Saturday, August 20, 2011

How to be successful and still have Bad Breath (invited article)

Hi folks....I know the pain of having Bad Breath. It literally ruins the social activity in ones life, lessens the professional growth and kills away the self confidence. But still the life has to go..I am still suffering with bad breath and I am completely aware that I am not all alone on this planet. Interestingly bad breath is no different from being crippled. People are always happy to help out the crippled ones but the same people step back when they encounter a guy with bad breath. The common folks think that bad breath is certainly due to bad hygiene and few people go a step ahead and assume that it is contagious. Of course it is very difficult to withstand the gusts of bad breath standing in front of us. Over years I some how figured out a way of life which can make the life of a bad breath person more comfortable...These are the tips I generally follow

1) Never make the people step back: Almost everyone in the world faces the problem of bad breath at one or the other point of time. When ever I speak to entirely a new person (a random walmart guy etc) I maintain a safe 3 feet heaven distance.
2) Cup you mouth with your palm when too close:  With experience I understood that when we speak gusts of air impact the nose of our victim. If we can stop those gusts we will be able to cut down the suffering of our victim more than 50%. It is tough to do this but believe me....when once you do this people will be inclined to speak to you.
3) Never see in to the face when you speak: This is contrary to what the world does. But we are special people, we need to protect the interests of our victims. Look in to the eyes of the people when they speak but not when you speak. For example if you are a sales person show you customer the product/ literature and explain them more through gestures. Speak like a philosopher or a dreamer, develop a very good body language. the philosophy is murmur with mouth and express with your body.   
4) Long walks with friends: The unique advantage is when you walk/jog along with some one you need not look in to their face and speak. You know that "WE ARE THE MOST POWERFUL PEOPLE" in those situations.
5) Be extremely clean and orderly: Unfortunately our friends and colleagues think that we have bad hygiene. We can disprove those things by shaving regularly, wearing very good scented ironed shirts and trousers, maintaining a clean and orderly work table and icon management on our PC.  
6) For teachers/ students/ Lawyers etc: These professions need lot of speaking...Instead of speaking directly maintain a white board in your office. Explain your clients/ students on board. This facilitates their understanding and masks your problem.
7) Extreme Bad breath: A crippled person has crutches to make his life easier, but what about us who have  a more serious problem. Here is one bold thing which we can try altogether. Just use Masklean sanitary mask when you go outside. This is 90% effective in almost all the cases.
you get this product here

Saturday, August 13, 2011

SmartMouth Mouth wash - Is this the best on market??

What it claims: 12 hours of FRESH BREATH (12X than any other mouth wash)
Active ingredients: Zinc ion Technology (This zinc-ion technology blocks the germs' ability to ingest protein particles. No protein particles, no new sulfur gas production, which means no new bad breath).
Review: This product is absolutely the most fabulous one on the market. This starts working from the very first day. This is better than all the generation 1 (alcohol based mouthwashes, fluoride mouthwashes), generation 2 ( chlorine and oxygen mouthwashes) mouthwashes. It is available in both mint and cinnamon flavors. The only con being it leaves a metallic taste just after using it. It is good for the taste buds if not used excessively. The teeth feel absolutely clean and minty. This mouthwash should be activated by mixing solutions in two different bottles and should be consumed immediately. Though pricey this product is worth it.
If you have chronic bad breath try SmartMouth.    

Final say: Highly recommended

Friday, August 12, 2011

Herbal Tips to counter bad breath

There is nothing better than curing bad breath with herbs. Very fortunately there are enough ways to counter bad breath using highly available herbal products.

1) NEEM (Azadirachta indica): Brushing teeth with Neem powder will give a life time warranty to teeth and gums. Chewing Neem leaves after meals cleanses the entire oral cavity. Neem is very bitter in taste and has high anti-bacterial effect.

2) Turmeric (Curcuma longa): Apply a small amount of turmeric powder on the back portion of the tongue before sleep to eliminate morning breath. Turmeric powder is generally available in Indian stores.

3) Mastic Gum: Chewing this will calm down the gut and helps improve the breath.

4) Parsley: chew parsley leaves or mint capsules which have parsley oil to get rid of garlic breath

5) Fennel seeds: chew fennel seeds or take fennel oil to get rid of stinky breath after heavy meals

6) chlorophyll : Chew fresh spinach every morning and observe the change in your breath   

All the above are time tested formulas without any side effects. 

Bad breath diagnosis

Many people are not self-conscious about their stinky breath. No wonder! its tough to measure it accurately if you dont have instruments like Halimeter.But here are the ways to self assess your breath any time and any where

Method 1: Lick a fresh and dry back part of your wrist and let it dry for few seconds and then smell it. If it smells your breath also smells. When you lick, try to make the back portion of the tongue come in contact with the wrist. All bad bacteria stay on the very back of your tongue.

Method 2: Take a spoon and try to scratch it in the back of your tongue. Wait until it dries and smell it. If it stinks your breath smells the same.

Method 3: Take a dry non smelling foam cup or plastic cup and blow air in to it. Try to smell it simultaneously. You can feel what others feel when you speak.

Method 4: Take a floss pick (without mint) and floss between the molars (inner teeth) and smell it after few seconds. You can get the feel of your scent.

Method 5: Ask your close friend/ spouse/ parent/sibling about your breath. This is the best way as many times our own judgement is biased.  

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Biotene Fluoride Toothpaste Review

Claim: Relieves Oral irritations due to dry mouth and aids in preventing the dental cavities
Active ingradient: Sodium Mono fluorophosphate
Usage: At least twice a day or as directed by a dentist
Amazon reviews : near 5 stars (12 reviews)

Review: Biotene doesnt use Sodium Laural Sulfate (the same compound which is found in bathing sops which produces the foam) and hence doesn't dry out your mouth. This paste cleans the teeth without irritation and abrasiveness.  Highly recommended by dentists for patients with dry mouth, mucous, dentin sensitivity, oral thrush infections and Sjogren's syndrome.  
Cons: Pricey

The Bad breath Wiki highly recommends this product for people with xerostomia (dry mouth) and oral sensitivity issues

OraBrush Review

What is this: A tongue brush (or) an advanced version of tongue scrapper
more info:video description of OraBrush
Working principle: 90% of bad breath originates from the anaerobic bacteria which produces volatile sulfur  compounds. Scrap it off and get rid of bad breath
Cost : 2 for $8.99
Claim: Ultra-soft, pointed bristles reach deep into the uneven crevices of your tongue and loosen stinky bacteria. These bristles are designed after the surgeon's scrub brush, the same brush they use to clean bacteria from their hands before they cut you open. (Toothbrush bristles, however, are designed for the smooth surfaces of your teeth, not your tongue.) The scraper then collects and removes the bacteria and residue generated from brushing, helping cure bad breath
Ease of Use: 5 star (very easy)
cost: 4 star (good for the price)
delivery: 4.5 star (swift but in USPS)
Effectiveness: 4 star (good)
OraBrush is just a tongue brush with an additional scraper towards the outer end. The brush loosens the dead cells and bacteria on the tongue and the scrapper just simply scrapes them all. This is done simultaneously. Frankly speaking, there is no rocket science involved in this. The biggest advantage is that you can still keep you mouth little open and access the back portion of your tongue. This may help people who are sensitive to gagging. This is gentle on your tongue and especially recommended to teenagers and kids (over 10) who suffer with white tongue. This eliminates bad breath if and only if your bad breath is due to buildup on your tongue. 
Final Say: The bad breath guy HIGHLY RECOMMENDS this product. Include this in your daily dental routine if you do not use any other tongue scraping devices.... 

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

10 alternatives to combat BAD BREATH (article)

Bad breath solutions

Bad Breath Causes

Hygiene, personal habits, pre-existing medical conditions, medication are the most primary reasons for bad breath.
1) Brush your teeth twice a day. Brushing the teeth before bed is more important than brushing in the morning as the bacteria in the mouth if not removed before sleep will get the longest time to multiply and cause bad breath.
2) Brush at least for 2 minutes with brush at an angle 45 degrees. Clean every teeth individually and pay additional attention on the inner surfaces of molars.
3) Floss at least once a day.
4) Gargle after every meal and snack.
5) Change the brush every three months
6) Maintain a tongue scrapper. Scrap the tongue gently 5-6 times after you brush. Try to reach the back of your tongue with out gagging.
1) Smoking leads to nicotine deposition on teeth and gums. It also leads to dry mouth.
2) stinky breath likes alcohol.
Here are characteristic bad breath odors associated with some of the pre existing medical conditions
  • Diabetes - acetone, fruity
  • Liver failure - sweetish, musty
  • Acute rheumatic fever - acid, sweet
  • Lung abscess - foul, putrefactive
  • Blood dyscrasias - resembling decomposed blood
  • Liver cirrhosis - resembling decayed blood
  • Uremia - ammonia or urine
  • Hand-Schuller-Christian disease - fetid breath and unpleasant taste
  • Scurvy - foul breath from stomach inflammation
  • Wegner`s granulomatosis - Necrotic, putrefactive
  • Kidney failure - ammonia or urine
  • Diphtheria, dysentery, measles, pneumonia, scarlet fever, tuberculosis - extremely foul, fetid odor
  • Syphilis - fetid
Few medications lead to dry mouth which causes bad breath. A comprehensive list of medications which cause dry mouth are enlisted in the following link

Signs of Bad breath

Hello guys and gals..
Welcome to the bad breath wiki....the ultimate web space to learn/ share everything about bad breath. Did some one stepped back 2 steps while speaking to you? Did you ever notice your colleagues speaking to you with their hand on their nose? did u ever get a box of mints as your birthday present? Do you never walk out without stocking your pockets with mints/ sprays? Did your girl/ boy friend avoided kissing you? and finally did you ever end a conversation without conveying what you want to...

Bad breath facts
1)  65% of Americans suffer from bad breath and over 40 million people have chronic bad breath
2) Americans spend over a billion $ every year to counter bad breath
3) 32% of Americans say that Bad breath is the least attractive trait in the co workers

A bad breath guy: Ohh God!! why me?? I brush thrice a day,floss them after food. I do everything which my friends do not even bother to do. Why is my breath AWFUL?